Here’s some splutter I came across on t’Interweb the other day.
According to a report from The Hollywood
Reporter, the new "GD-IQ: Spellcheck for Bias" tool is an AI
technology-using digital tool that is able to analyze a script's text and
evaluate the number of male and female characters and if the breakdown is
representative of the actual population. The tool, which was developed at the
University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering, can also be
used to evaluate how many characters are LGBTQ+, are people of colour, have
disabilities as well as other groups frequently underrepresented in media.
Additionally, the tool can check the number of lines spoken by group as
well as additional characteristics. According to Davis , Disney is the pilot partner for the
I checked that it wasn’t All
Fools’ Day... but it wasn’t. Then I pinched myself to make sure it wasn’t a bad
dream… nope! Well they do say truth is stranger than fiction.
But then I twigged it. This must
be down (get it) to the impact that this megastar met with after driving off
that cliff in the film ‘Thelma and Louise’. The mega G force landing couldn’t
have done much good for the old grey matter. And I thought they
used stunt drivers… but there you go… and stop… suddenly!
So, if the judgemental Gina
has her way, I reckon that the entire Shakespeare canon won’t make the grade,
along with plays by the likes of George Bernard Shaw, Anton Chekhov, Neil Simon
and Molière, to mention only a few. Varied as the characters are in ‘Alice in Wonderland’ I
suppose the Association for the Advancement of Aardvarks would have an issue with
an accurate dramatisation, since there is nary an “African ant bear” in Lewis
Carroll’s classic. The closest thing is the Duchess’s baby that turns into a pig!
Joking aside, this is
seriously sinister…. shades of ‘1984’… and they are all greyish. Of course the
Thinkpol would be cock-a-hoop… or should that now be, “cock and hen-a-hoop”!
Gosh, we really are going to have mind our Ps and Qs… which unfortunately excludes
twenty-four other letters of the alphabet! Wow… this is a minefield… or should
it be “a yourfield, or “an ourfield”? Stop the world I want to get out!
In the month of March this
year, in London, there was a production of Shakespeare’s ‘Richard II’
featuring an all-female cast of... “women of colour”. We are talking historical
figures here… living beings. Yes, the Bard was occasionally a little cavalier
with history, but not to that extent.
“During the Stalin era,
Russian history was rewritten to conform to the political demands of an
increasingly controlling regime.” ‘Rewriting Russian History: Stalin Era
Representations’ -
Ludmilla A. Trigos
“‘Who controls the past,’ ran
the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the
past.’” 1984 - George Orwell
*’A Mad World, My Masters’ is a
Jacobean stage play written by Thomas Middleton, a comedy first
performed around 1605 and first published in 1608. It would surely be a
victim of the blue stocking’s blue pencil!
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