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Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Some six months ago, I was going to post a blog about 3-D films. I had come across a piece on the BBC News website which was headed, ‘Has 3D film-making had its day?’ What interested me was the fact that a British cinematographer who had shot Hollywood movies, stated, "3D is antithetical to storytelling, where immersion in character is the goal.

So, there was a parallel with what I have been advocating for pantomime. Of course, that’s in 3D, but often immersion in character comes well down the list of priorities. Lots of so-called actors barely dip their toes in the water.

Surprise, surprise, only last week, CNN reported that the Disney-owned ESPN, one of biggest names to quickly get onboard the format, will cease broadcasting 3D sports content this year, shutting down the ESPN 3D channel.

Apparently, "The excitement around 3D TV was coming from many places: the industry, the TV manufacturers and the content providers," a technology analyst stated, adding, "But not the consumers, and ultimately that is what proved fatal."

So you should beware not only the Jabberwock, but also trendy gimmicks.

Trust in me, I’ll see you through.

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