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Thursday, 16 February 2012

Earlier this week, I went along with my grandson to see the new Muppets film, which is entitled, surprisingly, ‘The Muppets’.

Basically, the story is about three fans helping the Muppets get back together to save their old theatre from being demolished by a greedy oil tycoon. The cost of the rescue mission is $10 million, and the only way they can raise that amount of money is to put on a show… which the Muppets have not done in twenty years. The big question is… will they still be as popular as they were?

I haven’t been to the cinema for quite some time, plus a month or two, and I very rarely watch recently-made films on television. Can you guess why? However, it is no secret that I am an admirer of the Muppets… see my blog, CLASS ACT #3, 22.7.2011.

Overall, the film was very enjoyable, and a pleasant surprise. I laughed quite a lot. Apparently, in 2007, Jason Segel, who stars in the film, approached Disney, along with screenwriter and director, Nicholas Stoller, with the idea of writing the screenplay for a new Muppets movie. Segel stated that he wanted to do the film because the Muppets hadn’t appeared on the cinema screen since ‘Muppets In Space’, in 1999, and he felt that the younger generation was missing out on enjoying one of his childhood favorites.

This offering has been made with tender loving care. It is true to the Muppet ethos, and resists the temptation to bring them ‘up-to-date’! Maybe it would have had a bit more of a 'cutting edge' had Jim Henson been in charge, but overall, I think he would have approved.

I came across a member of the public’s review of the film, which read… “There's something in it for everybody, especially if you're in the mood for laughter and catchy musical numbers. The creative humour was a breath of fresh air. There is plenty breaking of the fourth wall and oh so much of that lovely deadpan irony and absurdist humour, reminiscent of old comedies like Airplane!” I agree wholeheartedly!

Something in it for everybody… laughter…catchy musical numbers… creative humour! That sounds a bit like what I have been advocating for pantomimes, doesn’t it, dear reader? And… breaking of the fourth wall to boot!

At the risk of repeating myself… again… I reiterate that we can all learn from people who are more skilled, knowledgeable, talented, and experienced than ourselves. Jim Henson and company created a distinctive, style for which those of us involved with comedy should be eternally grateful, and yet… the Muppets owe a debt to Commedia dell'Arte, which began in 16th century Italy.

Quality never dates!

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