ye Pantomime
By the pricking of
my thumbs, something wacky this way comes. Yes, it’s ‘Hamlet ye Pantomime’…the
show they said couldn’t be done, shouldn’t be done… and most likely won’t be
Bill the Bard’s biggie has been given a good going-over by this son ofYork . That it
should come to this! Spoofing
Shakespeare? O, what men dare do!
Bill the Bard’s biggie has been given a good going-over by this son of
Yes, I know I have mentioned certain texts that should be untouchable
as it were… a recent film version of ‘Peter Pan’ has been panned… so is this an
about turn then? No, it’s about putting the lid on it. One can but live in
hope? All men, I hope, live so.
Hamlet is just your
basic boy-meets-ghost, with bodkins, fardels, slings and arrows added for good
measure, but this version is a silly, slapstick saga of Scandinavian
skulduggery… a quirky, perky pastiche of probably the most puzzling play on the
planet. It’s very much an ensemble show with something for everybody… even the
Here’s more matter
for a May morning… or an evening any time throughout the year… this script
could be performed as part of a regular drama season, even by societies who
don’t present an annual pantomime. It does you good to let your hair down once
in a while… providing you can still see where you’re going of course!
See –
– for details. I double dare you!
Though this be madness, yet there is method in ’t... and I ain't talkin' Stanislavski!