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Saturday, 14 July 2012

Well, dear reader, I’m back… glibber, profounder, adorabler, and charismaticker than ever! I wish I could admit to having been on some exotic escapade, like sailing round the Arctic Circle on a banana boat, but no! Some of my time has been spent sending out e-mail messages to amateur drama and operatic groups, informing them about my most recent scripts… ‘Yankee Doodle’, and ‘Puss In Boots’. I haven’t done any marketing for a couple of years, so I though it was about time to tackle that.

This task has entailed looking at amateur drama and operatic groups’ websites, and it’s certainly opened my eyebrows! I shall be reporting my observations for quite some time. To those who might recognise themselves… if you don’t like my opinion of you, you can always improve! 

From pictures posted on websites, I have noticed that the Ugly Sisters in the pantomime ‘Cinderella’, are becoming very much of a muchness. The trend appears to be for them to wear bright pink, green, purple, or blue wigs, and the scary make up, and the nonsensical costumes I have already referred to when dealing with the subject of Dames.

They look like this, no matter what the style of the production. Fancy dress suppliers have Ugly Sister wigs, which are as described above, so that is what they wear.

They go for image, rather than character. In fact, there is no character, it’s all façade. They are not ugly sisters, they are sisters dressed, coiffured, and made up outrageously to appear in a pantomime, and have no contact whatsoever with reality. Some look grotesque. They come on stage and do an act, which is not the same as acting.

The day isn’t far off when Hollywood will make a horror film about an unhinged Ugly Sister, terrorising a neighbourhood with an enormous nail file. The creepy, crawly close-ups of her bizarre, begreased boat-race will make the viewers’ vests unravel.

After all, there has already been…

‘THE CLOWN AT MIDNIGHT’ (1999), where seven teenagers are stalked by a murderous clown while refurbishing an old opera house. ‘SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT’ (1984), in which a young tormented teenager goes on a murderous rampage dressed as Santa Claus, and ‘THE GINGERDEAD MAN’ (2005), featuring an evil yet adorable Gingerbread man who comes to life with the soul of a convicted killer.

So, watch out for ‘SCUGLY SISTER SLAYER’. If it does happen, I want a cut and a credit… “From an original idea by G. Wizz”. Remember, you read it here first!